It's time for another inductoreenee into the Forehead Butt Society! Painter Jackson Pollock an "abstract/impressionist" painter who let his brilliance turn him to alcholism; oh! the brilliant have to find a way to control the chaos or they are lost! Numbing the chaos does not work and only creates another chaos . . . alas.
I had to think twice about inductoreenening him into the socieity, since he as a double forehead butt, but I decided to let that go. That face . . . that face.
Which by the way, I looked under my labels for Forehead Butt and see I wrote a "links" post about using Oil of Olay deep wrinkle cream to help rid myself of my Forehead Butt--blaspheme! Oh for shame shame and shame! Why, I shan't look myself in the eye for the rest of the day... harumph! (To catch up anyone who is saying most perplexinglylyly, what is a Forehead Butt Society?, you can click Here.)
I am still searching for wonderful women to add to my Forehead Butt Society, but alas and alack, women hide and botox their forehead butts! Oh, say it ain't so! but it 'tis. Be Proud I say! A botoxed and lifted face isn't interesting. What would writers, poets, artists do without those wonderful etched faces to study the imprint of their lives?
While looking at the forehead butt label posts, I was reminded how I used to provide you all with links for writing, literature, agents, publishers, and other general blah dee doo and how I haven't done that in some time- I shall do so again, yes I will! And I will do it beginning tomorrow - but tomorrow's links will be where Angie Ledbetter and I put up the links we were provided from the Blogger Community "vendors" and Local Community Vendors - where we all can go shopping to support our Blogger Community who have artsy type online shops, and our local community "mom and pop" shops! If you haven't provided your link, do so! Details Here.
PS - "Seasons of my Mind" is giving a away See's Chocolate! Go by and visit... but I hope you all lose so I can win -- HA! I'll share though (not)...teeheehee.
I think I should have a give-away soon - I've not done it in a long long time. I'm going to think about what kind of western North Carolina goodie or goodies I can come up with!
I had a friend who was 26...already talking about getting Restalyn for her forehead wrinkles. 26! She didn't even have them unless she wrinkled her forehead a few times to make temporary imprints.
Yep, I'm gathering up those cook artsy/artist/artisan links for a post tomorrow. :) We gotta support our online community harder in these bad economic times!
PS Are you considering nominees into the society who have big wrinkles on butts located opposite the forehead? hehe
Kathryn, this is unrelated to your forehead butt post, but is a response to your “I tweeted this on your 'tweet this' did you get that there by the way?”
I had to retrace steps LOL the whole time because I find it ironic that someone would ask me, the consummate noncomputernerd, how to do something. I'm going to post this on your blog as well, but here are the steps: Hit Customize once you're signed on, On Layout, hit Add a Gadget, then click on Featured as opposed to basic options and scroll down to the fourth option which brings up the Twitter this and add to Facebook gadget. I hope this is helpful.
I'm not sure if forehead butt society is a good thing or bad thing. I haven't quite figured you out yet. I clicked on your read it here link and it put me back on the title page for this post. So, I'm still not sure if this is your sense of humor, your sarcasm or a rite of passage that is good. Anyhow, I enjoyed the post anyway and I'm sure you will straighten me out and clarify the meaning behind forehead butt society. Hahha.
Long live the forehead butts of the world! Did you notice the teensy beginnings of the Writer's Digest covergirl, The Time Traveler's Wife author, Audrey Niffenegger's forehead butt? Go Audrey!!!
My Sen Mitch McConnell was on TV this morning. His forhead is as shiny smooth as a devil's penny. And his upper lip is paralyzed. You'd think that he would have worried over the fate of his country enough to generate ONE wrinkle???
thanks for the wrinkle-inducing smiles! Hope your Sunday is lovely.
A double butt??? Lucky we missed out on that one!
I have found a Barbara Kingsolver photo with the forehead.
Pollock. He had an interesting life. I will have to check out the Forehead Butt Society before I add the rest of my 2 cents. Hold my penny.
OK. I checked it out. Good point. What happens when we add in alcoholism and drugs? Some of the best literature, some of the best paintings - all created by people addicted to something. So I wonder if people with big foreheads are prone to addiction?
Oh, dear. Patty can't be right! Do I have to develop an addiction in order to write well? Does Gen Mai Cha count?
I checked out the Kingsolver photo. Oh, yeah.
Kathryn, lol. You are too funny. Leave it to a brother to come up with that saying. (I have two.)
Haha! Glad you included us double forehead butters :) Gee, I saw a good one the other day and forgot who it was before I could tell you. Will have to crinkle my brow and get to work on that one...
Man, I wish I had a forehead butt, it seems so prestigious now. As if one has been spending their life in deep contemplation and thoughtful study. I must think deeper, try harder.
Alas, I have no links for you but will be back to follow any you or Angie offer. :)
It's so nice to have the shopping links. I love these forehead butt pictures and look forward to more.
Lol, I can't get enough of the forehead butters. :D
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