Friday, June 12, 2009

Hello I'm boring my old friends, i'm here to bore you all again!...laughing...

"I feel like a boring experiment." - Virginia Kate

Sometimes, I feel boring. I do believe my blogging has become boring. I feel boring. I am boring. Bore bore bore! What can I do to spring life into my blog? Well, I don't know - right now all my focus is on getting the 2nd novel done.

Sometimes, I go so deep inside my own thoughts and my own world and the world of my characters that I forget Good Man Roger is there. Suddenly, there is this man standing there looking at me. I say, “Huh? Wha?” and he says, “I just asked if you’d like some seared scallops with cream sauce and a side of risotto and a nice pinot noir?” I answer, “Oh. Um. Huh? Wha? Yeah…okay, that sounds…” and then I trail off, what was I writing? What was the character saying? For surely the character is more important than Real Life. Or not. But it doesn’t matter; it is what it is. I finally say, to his retreating back, which looks slightly slumped inward. I call out, apologetically and excitedly all at once, “Yes! OH! That sounds good! I’d LOOOOOVEE sea scallops and risotto and pinot noir and all that. I Can’t Wait! Thank you! You are Great! WOW! I am SO lucky!” Overkilling it, but dang, you know?

Sometimes, I wander about the house touching things. Is this real? Yes. Is this real? Yes. Is this real? Yes. Is this real? Yes. I touch GMR. Is this real? And he says, “You’re touching me! You’re touching me! ohhhh!” and I roll my eyes and say, “Stop it. I touch and hug you sometimes. Geez. You are soooooo (NOT) deprived. Geez.” He laughs, but I wonder: when was the last time I went over and gave him a big ole hug. Hmmm. So I do it, right then and there, but it feels forced, so I stand up quickly. Then I touch the top of his head, and then kiss his cheek.

Sometimes, I'm moody. Although the older I get, the more my moods even out. I can be silly for no reason at all. I can be sardonic. I can be negative. I can see things in ways that GMR says “I never thought of it like that! Hey!” I can tell him, “that person isn’t as they present themselves,” and then later he asks, “how did you know…” Because, I am wise, sage, otherworldly to his practical. Huhn. Right?

Sometimes, things are too cluttered around me. I am building a "nest" in this room where I am doing the most of my writing. It is beginning to look awful. Something must be done. To start: I have two books that were sent to me for book give-aways that I still have not given away - they are both Virginia Ellis books. One is The Wedding Dress and one is The Photograph - So, I've decided that the first person to tell me, in the comments, "I want those copies of Virginia Ellis's books!" will get them. Now, that's done!
Sometimes, I have to say: "see you all later - I'll try to come visit when I can..." because you all are interesting people and thank gawd you are there, for you are my lens to the outside world right now as I have to turn ever inward.
PS ... I forgot: when the 'lectricity went out yesterday during a thunderstorm, I took some videos with my camera, here's two:

image google images:


Jinksy said...

"I want those copies of Virginia Ellis's books!" But I will understand if prihibitive postal charges put you off, in my case! xxx

Angie Ledbetter said...

You couldn't be boring if you tried. (If you get stumped for a post, you could always share a little of VK2. Maybe some scratched part or dialog?) :)

Sandra Leigh said...

Well. I'm too late for the book giveaway, but not too late to tell you that you are never boring. Never. As someone who is, herself, frequently boring, I know boring, and you're not it. There. Now I'll go see your videos.

Sandra Leigh said...

I've come back to tell you that (1) on Newcastle Island, one of the islands off Nanaimo, we have blonde raccoons, and (2)I could spend a month sitting on your porch, listening to the rain. What a beautiful place.

Michelle said...

Boring? Come off it! (an Aussie saying for 'get outta here'....xxxx

Char said...

I viewed both videos and loved watching the raccoon perform. The other one was so calming, with the rain and the chimes....I was nearly lulled to sleep. Thanks

Since you are bored, I wanted to suggest to you again that you check out the author, Janice Holt Giles. I mentioned her to you in comments a few months back. I promise you will not be bored.

Anita said...

I have never once read your blog and thought...blah...this is boring! NEVER ONCE!

Walker said...

How could you be bored with all the touching and feeling you do? ;)

NCmountainwoman said...

Nope, you are not at all boring. I must admit I LOVE the tee. I'd like cards with that phrase to send to some folks I know.

Lots of storms here, but no loss of power. Looks like another few days of muggy weather and afternoon storms.

Jessica Nelson said...

I've been told I'm boring by my sisters when I was young.
Trust me. You're far from boring. LOL!

Cute post. I never heard of that author before.

Glynis Peters said...

I am never bored by my visits here. I had to smile at the cooking man in your life, I have one. If he didn't put food in front of me, I wouldn't eat because I am busy writing. I grunt and mumble back, then suddenly remember I must be nice LOL

Deb Shucka said...

Boring is not a word I'd apply anywhere near you or your words. How can a person who uses the word "sardonic" correctly be boring?

Fantastic Forrest said...

I want one of those teeshirts! I must have one! But it won't be directed at you, because you make me laugh.

Some day, we will have to share sea scallops and risotto and pinot noir and make each other crack up. For now, I'll content myself with reading your blog, writing my novel and blog, traveling all over God's green earth, and enjoying those great videos. Those are some rainstorms you have there! I liked the raccoon. But you need to narrate your next one. It's all well and good to let the storm speak for itself for a while, but I want to hear your voice. Did you watch Barry's (An Explorer's Life) video about the earth box? It was fun to actually hear him.