Hi Y'all!
So, someone made this and sent it to me *laughing me aarrrrrrrse off*
Anyway, so far on our calendar, I have: March, April, May, August, October, December, one person needs to repick her month, and then whatever month I choose, so that's eight months so far! Only four more people to go, and I hope I haven't missed anyone. May is Titus, April is LIC, March is Deb, October is Glynis, December is Angie, August is Suldog, Jane TBA, and I'll take whatever month is left over at the end. If I missed you, email me! I also am asking if you want to add a quote to your image - your own quote, or a favorite one you like - - it can be whatever you like.
So working on down the list - I have done my nekkid reading and that's here. I have contacted Pop Secret, who said they weren't with General Mills anymore and to contact another company so I guess I have to do that! I contacted Secret Deodorant. I am working on the calendar. And, I'm looking at the others. I need to find a bullhorn, and wait for a bit warmer day to do my "drive by reading." I am still taking suggestions over at Gumbo Writer's Place, or here in the comments section. The "Rules" of the Contest are listed HERE. Yes, this is a contest. It started out that Gumbo Writer would offer a copy of Secret Graces to the best "promo" idea . . . I took it a step further and said I'd try to do every idea suggested (gulp) and would expand the contest (posts below explain everything): The top three "most successful" ideas that I can bring to completion would win a copy of SG straight off the press, with the Top One also receiving a gift basket.
Next on the list I'll tackle is below. She is suggesting a contest, but I'm not sure how to evaluate Good Deeds. But, I do think it would be nice to post the nicest thing you ever did in secret. If anyone can think of a way to make this a contest, I would do that, but again, I don't know how to put a value on Kindness and Goodness and Grace, but Jeannie - this is a wonderful suggestion.... so folks, either post about it and link in the comments so we can go read it, or you can leave it in the comments here! Let's hear it!
Jeannie Campbell, LMFT said...
...how about a blog contest where you write the nicest thing you ever did for someone (showing grace) IN PRIVATE (secrecy). secret grace. get it?
All seem to be great ideas. Can't Angie talk to her BFF Harry Connick Jr. and have him write a song about your book?!!?!?!?! :O)
Love the idea of Harry singing about you!
This is so fun!
Love Captain Jack w/ TG!! I can't think of anything off the top re: good deeds contest...
I suggest creating a float, like Mardi Gras, and having a parade in honor of you and your book. You can toss out bookmarks instead of beads or discount coupons or beads with your books name on them! Take it on the state to state tour!
Love your contest! It's been so much fun reading about it, especially love the nekkid reading!!
Diane, I tried to find out how to contact Harry Connick, Jr. *laughing* but not sure how - once I do, all I can do is ask, right? haw!
Donna- hhmmmm, maybe when I do the drive by reading, I'll make it a parade, too ....get some friends to follow me *laugh!*
I'm enjoying everyone's comments....
I forgot to put my Secret Act of Kindness - I'm going to put one that happened when I was a child, since children are notorious for being selfish(it's just how it is), but they sometimes show a sweetness and giving nature.
When I was in elementary school, in the 60's, we had Valentine's Day boxes and the entire class brought Valentines to put in the boxes -except unlike nowadays, you didn't put in EVERYONE's boxes, but only those you liked.
So, my mom bought my valentines and gave them to me to sign - but one of them I kept - it was a little blue bird peeking out of an envelope and I ADORED that little bird! I wanted to keep that one for my own and did.
That morning when all the children opened their boxes - oh! there was one child who did not even have ONE valentine! Can you imagine? not even ONE....
I looked at my favorite adored valentine that I wanted to keep for myself, and in a moment I am proud of that little girl I was at that moment, when she wasn't looking, I put the blue bird valentine in her box - where she later checked and found it -- oh the joy on her face....
I wonder about that girl sometimes - whatever became of her and if she remembers that day
Well, that's my little "Secret Act of Kindness" story!
Glad you tried my publicity suggestions. Here's hoping you get a nice tie-in!
This is so funny. You know--nuther idea--tell you local paper about this.
ROFL! That picture.is.awesome.
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