Yes, today it's all about ME - and any other person who has a birthday today...nope, just about me..me me me - who cares about anyone else today --just ME.....
I am shameless - yes, I am shameless about touting my Birthday.
Now, being a Pisces, I don't want gifts because I am not that way... but, I do want everyone to know I AM SPECIAL BECAUSE TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY AND I'M A PISCES! .....
Happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday dear me
happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeee
me me me me
At 53 - omg I'm 53~! I'm a Granny Kat - oh! But! At 52 I had my debut novel, TG, out and became C0-Editor Publisher of an online journal (Rose & Thorn), and my first biological grandchild, little Norah Kathryn was born. Now at 53, I'll have my second book, Secret Graces, out!
And being a 53 year old Granny Kat - I did a nekkid reading! And it did it with atrophied upper body muscles due to my injury - haven't been able to work out for going on 6 weeks now -oh dear! How Brave I am! My beautiful (almost) Michelle Obama arms gone to flab....haw!
So, what's next in this year besides novels and editorial do dahs? Well, I don't know, but I'm ready.
Happy birthday to meeeee - it's all about me m e me - oh me me me -- and a big side of ME.....
Now, since I am quite the healthful eater, for my birthday I am eating something BAD. Although I just had my b'fast of plain brown cow greek yogurt with fruit and granola. But later? Yes, later I eat something like french fries! and cake! whoop whoop!
Happy Birrtthhdayyyy toooo meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ME ME MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Now, folks - one bit of business today and then it is off to do whatever I want for ME ME ME -- birthday ME: I've been on blog tour - yesterday I was at Sharla's Place - did a porch reading, with clothes on this time *laugh*- and I hope you stopped by and said "kat sent me" *smiling* -- I've put my blog tour stops on a Page - yes, blogger has pages now, like a website - you can see them above-there's Home, there's Video/trailer page, and there's Blog Tour Page . . . I hope you'll stop by those places who hosted me on blog tour and say a big hello: I'm grateful for their support. I'll be stopping elsewhere, too and more on what I'll be doing and where and how I'll be doing virtual book readings, and on the contest with Gumbo Writer later -- because today IS MY BIRTHDAY AND IT'S ALL ABOUT me me memMEMEMEMMEME!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!Hope this upcoming year brings you lots of joy and good health,and wealth!
My birthday is tomorrow. Turning 52 yrs. young-lol! Hubby will be making me breakfast in bed and some kind of seafood dish,plus either chocolate cheese cake or Baklava sampler or both! I like your kind of thinking-tomorrow will be all about me,me,me and great tasting food!!
Us Fish must stick together! I flip my tail and waggle my fins at you, in greeting, before sending up a celebratory water spout in your honour! X
Cheers, Kat! Have a great birthday!
Have a wonderful Birthday! Khronia polla is what I would say over here.(Many Years to you) :)
Woohooo!!!!! Happy Birthday to you!!! My birthday is tomorrow. We're pretty special, huh? LOL!!! I hope you have an absolutely WONDERFUL day dear Kat!!! :-)
(btw, as to the pisces thing, not sure I'm a freak in the sheets but I've definitely been told I'm weird, heeeheee)
Happy Birthday Kat! Yay! Enjoy your day :)
I am looking forward to Secret Graces...
Have an awesome weekend.
53? Really? No wonder your naked reading was so sexy! I'm going to be 53 next Tuesday! Happy Birthday, fellow 1957-model Piscean!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAT!! LMAO, I loved your post!! And hey, it's your birthday, live on the edge, grab a big burger and a bowl of gravy to go with those fries :) Enjoy your day!!
It's a very fishy month!!!!!! My birthday is in two weeks, so I'll be me-me-me-me-ing it soon! I hope you have a fanta-bulous birthday and do it up well! I'm with Deb above... load up on the grease and carbs today, it doesn't count! Go for the burger and gravy fries, cake, and add some ice cream with whipped cream and hot fudge dripping all over it. And then for supper....
Happy Birthday. In Spanish: feliz cumpleaño.
Happy Birthday fellow Pisces! Just like you and dear Suldog, we share the same Zodiac sign. And while both of you are/will be 53, I shall be 35. Reversed numbers! How much of a coincidence is that?
Happy Birthday DearMe! And hope that the next one will even be greater:) Happy bad eating today!
Happy Du-Wop Birthday, dear Pisces! My daughter is one, too, Feb. 19, just made it in. And she said on HER birthday--IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! And she was right and so are you.
You are so young. I don't want to hear another word about your age.
Your post goes up tonight.
Don't forget to wipe the icing off your mouth before you go to bed! Chocolate, I hope.
~**HAPPY BIRTHDAY**~ Enjoy this special day and here's to many, many more!!!!!
Awww, Kathryn, DO have a happy birthday. Hope this year is really, really great!
Happiest of birthdays to you!! Sending you bunches of birthday hugs and best wishes!
WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "Kat sent me"?!
Where did it say that, hold on......no, it didn't say it any where.
Now i got to go back there and say Kat sent me and smile.
You better be doing alot of smiling for all this.
Happy Birthday
May you get drunk and dance naked with a bear in the woods.
The biggest, best, greatest, loveliest, terrific of birthdays EVER to you, my dearest sweet friend! What will the next year hold?
happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy very happy birthday to youoooooooooooooooooo!!! (the whippets helped)
Ohhh, Happy B-day! I just barely made it (its 11:55pm here). Hope you had a great day!
Y'all are the BEST! THank you - I feel Special! *teeheehee*
Happy Birthday Kat! I enjoyed seeing you doing a reading in your Birthday Suit. Somehow it seemed very appropriate. Perhaps it should be mandatory for every author to do a reading in their birthday suit on their birthday?
Or, on second thought (various authors I would not want to see kekkid coming to mind) perhaps not.
happy belated birthday fellow piscean ‘thryn! ;)
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Kat, Happy Birthday to you, and many more! There, I sang for you.
Hope you celebrated the wonder that is YOU! Shout it from the mountaintops and sing it to the heavens. You deserve it, my friend. Birthdays are for celebrating!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND MANY MORE............
Is it really your birthday?? Sounds a bit fishy to me! Happy belated, I've frog hopped over from Suldog..
Brought virtual french fries, enjoy..
Happy Birthday! I've even given you a little present, there's an award for you over at my blog.
I love birthdays in the same way you do, Kat. I hope this one is full of joyful, fun-filled celebrating for you. I'm married to a Pisces, my mom is a Pisces - so needless to say, it's one of my favorite signs. Love!
Happy Birthday! I hope it was special!!!
Belated, but Many Happy Returns (not in the book sense, obviously).
Happy Birthday, cher, and many, many, more!! And best wishes for a great year ahead!! I am having a Margarita in your honor! Cheers!
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