Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sunrise and Thoughts of You . . .

All along the mountain and in the valley and in the corners and nooks and crannies and odd little places no one has ever seen, except in passing barefoot while keeping the eye on a future that lurks somewhere around the corner, and in those places were rocks hide small creatures, and in the shaded areas which hold critters great and small, and in those high high tops where Hawk flies, and in the low places where the rodents run, in all those places, here and there on my mountain and in the hollers and coves, there there there.

I envision your face, I envision your breaths, your heart beat, the very You of You - the essence and being and whole flesh and blood of you - I see your rushing blood running in your veins, and thrump of the heartbeat against your chest, and your lungs expanding and contracting - your eyes widen and narrow and blink open shut, and I see you and I feel you and I appreciate you.
(I will have more "cleaning up our manuscripts," but thought you all may need a break to catch up! If you look under "labels" you'll see "craft of writing" - those take you to the posts on cleaning up our manuscripts. Also, don't forget to scroll down and add your link to the "blogger community shopping" and "local community vendor shopping" - I'll be posting those links soon!)


Patience-please said...

Good morning! Such loveliness to wake up to. Namaste back at you


Carol Murdock said...

Beautiful Kat! YOU know I'm green!!

B.J. Anderson said...

Breathtaking! And by that I mean the pictures and the words.

Deb said...

Beautiful imagery on both counts! Thanks for sharing :)

Marguerite said...

Gorgeous photos! Such beauty to wake up to. I might even get up early for that sunrise!

Susan R. Mills said...

Beautiful words and beautiful pictures!

Sheila Deeth said...

Lovely! Thank you.

Titus said...

Simply wonderful.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Beautiful! Wish I was there soooo much.

Collecting indie vendor links at my place too. When ya gonna post yours? :)

A Cuban In London said...

I sat here looking at my laptop screen for what could have been hours. Many thanks for these fantastic photos.

Greetings from London.

~JarieLyn~ said...

Your photos are stunning, and your words are wonderful too. Great post.

Diane said...

Gorgeous pictures! Have a great weekend. :O)