Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Book Give away day 5: Where Am I Now?

First explored for Spain by Hernando de Soto. In 1699, a French group under Sieur d'Iberville established the first permanent settlement near present-day Ocean Springs.

Great Britain took over the area in 1763 after the French and Indian Wars, ceding it to the U.S. in 1783 after the Revolution. Spain did not relinquish its claims until 1798, and in 1810 the U.S. annexed West Florida from Spain, including what is now (the southern part of this state).

For a little more than one hundred years, from shortly after the state's founding through the Great Depression, cotton was the undisputed king of This State's largely agrarian economy. Over the last half-century, however, This State has diversified its economy by balancing agricultural output with increased industrial activity.

and they have purty Magnolia trees...

(Kat peeking in - teeheehee -- I know I haven't a chance to visit, but soon I will.... I just wanted to note that someone asked if I've stopped following them and NO I haven't! I haven't stopped following anyone - so if it looks as if I have stopped following you, then something else is happening - ????? I haven't done a thing on the computer -not even checked email -!-, other than the book giveaway posts, since Thursday night!

I am enjoying my travels - but I can't talk about it now...teehee... Hope you are all doing well - I miss my visits and 'talking' with you all - be back later!)


Barb Davis said...


Sandra Leigh said...

Mm--hm. What Barbara said. Glad you popped in, Kat.

Debbie said...

We miss you too.
Blogger did something funky and dropped some followers from every blog. We may never get it figured out!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Okay, dagnabitt, you're getting close to Louisiana, so you better give me a call!!!! Traveling mercies and good times for the rest of your trip. Hugs!

Barb Davis said...

I've had some followers dropped, too. What's going on with Blogger?

Unknown said...

see you soon xx

The Unbreakable Child said...

Kat, we miss you! Have a fun and safe trip and let us know all about it!!

It's a blogger glitch across the internet Barbara. So everyone follow me back again, hugs

The Unbreakable Child said...

Kat, have fun!!!

Barbara, above it's a blogger, google glitch across the internet.

I too lost followers.

Deb Shucka said...

I can hardly wait to hear about your adventures!

Barry said...

Hmmmm? Kat mysteriously roaming the country on a clandestine mission?

This could get very, very intersting.

Barry said...

And could it be just a coincidence that when Kat goes away all of blogspot goes to hell in a hand-basket with glitches all over the place?

I think not.